Share the Veterans Day memes and images to honor those who are and have served our country.

Veteran’s Day is November 11, 2024. This federal holiday is dedicated to honoring the uniformed services that are actively serving or have served our country.

Best Veterans Day Memes 2024

Here are the Veterans Day 2024 memes and images for sharing with your loved ones and those that you respect and honor on this day for serving our nation.

veterans day memes
veterans day 2024 memes

While as this Veterans day meme states, it is a federal holiday – one day isn’t enough to say thank you for all that our veterans do for our country.

woohoo a federal holiday that isn't nearly enough to say thank you to our veterans
veterans day meme

Happy Veterans Day Meme

Let the thanking begin! Whatever branch of service you have served in. There are currently six branches of United States military service: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Space Force.

happy veterans day let the thanking of all uniformed services current and past begin
happy veterans day meme

A funny happy veterans day meme isn’t enough to say thank you for the service, years, blood, sweat and tears that service member puts in to keep our country safe.

happy veterans day all who served thank you
best veterans day meme

Memorial Day vs Veterans Day

Sometimes it’s best explained in a meme. Here is a memorial day vs veterans day meme to explain the difference between these federal holidays.

on Veterans day we celebrate all uniformed who have and are currently serving our country. on memroial day we honor those who died while serving. now you know the difference.
memorial day vs veterans day meme

On Veterans Day, we celebrate all uniformed who have and are currently servicing our country. On Memorial Day – we honor those who have died while serving.

when your friend confuses veterans day with memorial day but thats non of my business
funny veterans day meme

Remember this next Memorial day, which is Monday, May 29, 2024.

Thank You Veterans

Our veterans protect us from so many things. When our country needs help, these men and women are there to serve. From hurricanes to war time, these are who are on the front line protecting our country.

thank a veteran for protecting you from all the things
veterans day meme thank you

Looking for simple (or more) ways to say thank you to a vet? While these Veteran’s Day memes are great, here are more ways to say thanks.

veterans day 2024 meme
veterans day 2024 meme

From donating frequent flier miles to hiring a vet, here are several ways to thank a veteran from

  • Hire a Military Spouse – support military families by hiring spouses of those serving.
  • Bring in a Veteran Speaker – the knowledge our veterans have goes far deeper than just “war stories.” Veterans can provide insight and knowledge of leadership, grit and crisis management.
  • Volunteer -there are numerous grass-roots efforts that are dedicated to honoring and supporting Veterans.

Free Veterans Day Images

Here are more Veterans Day images for sharing.

to all veterans... thank you.
not just today, 
but everyday your work is seen and appreciated.
veterans meme

One of my favorite Dallas area organizations that rallies on Veterans Day is Unite for Troops. This organization runs an annual Unite for Troops Veterans Day celebration each year in Irving, TX.

veterans day image
veterans day image

We are fortunate to know the family (shout out to the Porter’s!) who put so much time, effort and money into honoring our troops.

happy veterans day. thank you for serving our country.
image happy veterans day

If you are in the DFW area and want to join the community in a Veteran’s Day celebration, here is a local free event where the kids can have fun with games and bounce houses.

Unite for Troops Veterans Day Celebration is an annual fundraiser and celebration honoring veterans. This event is held at Porter’s Army Navy at 600 E. Irving Blvd, Irving, TX. As we know 2024 details, we will post it here.

happy veterans day to all who are serving or have served
happy veterans day image

Supplies will be collected to pack boxes for soldiers who are currently serving. Please bring requested items: letters, non-breakable Christmas ornaments, toiletries, snacks, socks, batteries, pocket warmers. See the Facebook page for a list of items requested to send to soldiers for the holidays.

Share the Veteran Day Memes and Images

Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving. Please share the Veteran day images and memes and tell a vet THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

Veterans Day Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog collection of Funny Memes

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