We are doing a Grammarly Review to help learn what this service can do to help transform your writing.
I admit it. I am TOTALLY one of those people who type fast and doesn’t proofread as well as I should. I am working on it people – all thanks to a tool that I found called Grammarly.
Grammarly Review
What better way to do a Grammarly review, then to show you exactly how well this application works. For giggles, here is a screenshot of what my Wordpress interface looks like as I type this.

Since finding Grammarly, I typically write my posts and then go back thru and work the revisions. Watch the video – you can see all of my flubs, misspellings, and grammar issues! No shame in my grammar game.
Do you know when you run across something REALLY cool and you feel like you just need the whole world to know about it? Yeah, I am that person who is texting my friends “GO SEE THIS.” or “BUY THIS.” or “DOWNLOAD THIS APP.”
That’s actually why I started this blog so many years ago, as a way to streamline rather than email all of my friends constantly. (This blog is 14-years-old. Back then, it was email. Texting was still not massive and Facebook didn’t have messenger. Old school.)
Think of Grammarly as having a spell-check available to you whenever you need it. I can’t tell you how many times that I have typed something, for some reason this happens a lot on Facebook – and I go back hours later and WHAM, in the face TYPO. It’s like palm to the face when you see that you misspelled a super simple word.
Grammar Checker for Everyday Use
As a blogger, typos are a bigger deal and I know that numerous posts have typos. If you aren’t a blogger and are wondering why so many blogs have typos – let me spill the beans.
Most bloggers nowadays use Wordpress. Wordpress, by default, does NOT have a built-in spell check option. You can download a plugin, but let’s face it – most bloggers don’t have it installed.
Free Grammar Check – Yes, Please.
Here is where Grammarly comes in and why it’s my new favorite add-on. Grammarly first off is free. There is a paid option if you are a hard-core writer I would suggest you get it – but for everyday use – the free version is just fine. That’s right, Grammarly offers free grammar check!
I use the Chrome extension – so whenever I am typing – like just now when I screwed up the word TYPING – it draws a little line under the word then gives me options for revising. It’s like the Word spellcheck but you aren’t
For the ADD: Shutup and tell me where to find it!
Grammar in the Work Place
If I was still in corporate America, I would invest in this grammar service. Grammarly Business is a plan for teams. Grammarly can fit into your team’s workflow perfectly because it is not limited to a single platform.
The paid version offers browser extensions, MS Office Add-in and desktop apps for Windows and Mac. You can ensure that emails, documents, and even casual interactions will be clear, mistake-free, and highly impactful. Grammarly Business runs $10 per team member a month.
This is a solid investment, considering not everyone is grammar savvy. Grammarly will help your team with everything from grammar 101 to colon grammar. Winning!
Perfect for Students
This application is great for students. Our kids are busy with school work. This year, with a freshman and a 7th grader – we have LOTS of paper writing and homework.
While I try to proofread the kids’ homework when possible, I know for a fact Grammarly would do a better job than me.
Grammarly Paid vs Grammarly Free
Since originally writing this Grammarly review in 2017, this editing platform has grown beyond fixing simple typos and proofreading. You can now use Grammarly to help assist in your writing, think of it like an AI writing assistant.

With that, there is still a Grammarly Free option that allows you to access features such as assisting with grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
The Grammarly paid subscription options offer a premium and business plan. Both are more tailored to those who are needing the service for professional editing services in various capacities.
Grammarly App
While previously Grammarly desktop was the way to go, the service has now gone mobile! You can now access Grammarly with an app. Simply paste into the Grammarly app the content that you are needing assistance with and receive helpful grammatical advice.

The Grammarly app is available for iPad, iPhone and Android devices.
So there you have it, a cool find that I wanted to share with you.