Facebook Safety Check is the newest feature released by Facebook. In the event of an emergency or natural disaster – do you look on Facebook to ensure that all of your friends and family are okay?

I know last week we were dealing with a series of storms. I was on Facebook into the whee hours of the morning watching reports from my friends in surrounding areas, making sure all is okay.

Facebook Safety Check

Here is how Facebook Safety Check works:

If you’re near a natural disaster, you can tell friends if you’re safe and check to see if they’re safe, too.

Check Notifications

If it looks like you may be near a natural disaster, we’ll ask if you’re safe.

Say You’re Safe

If you’re OK, click or tap the “I’m Safe” button to let friends and loved ones know right away.

Check on Others

We’ll let you know when friends say they’re safe. You can also check a list of friends who may be affected by the disaster.

If you have friends in the area of a natural disaster and the tool has been activated, you will receive a notification about those friends that have marked themselves as safe. Clicking on this notification will take you to the Safety Check bookmark that will show you a list of their updates.

If you’re ever in a situation that would require you to use Safety Check, we hope its a tool that helps you stay connected to those you care about, and gives you the comfort of knowing your loved ones are safe.

While I know that people are afraid of Facebook and their privacy settings with things such as the Facebook Messenger app – you have to give it to the company, this is a tool that will help in the crazy world that we live in.

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