The only thing funny about these rodents are these rat memes. If the thought of rats scurrying in your garage, living in the dumpster or hanging out at your favorite local restaurant’s kitchen irks you, just know you aren’t alone.
Memes About Rats

Yes, I know some of you keep rats as pets, we have some humor for you as well.

Does anyone else group mice and rats into the same rodent category? Listen, yes – I am well aware that rats are bigger, but regardless if it’s a mouse problem or a rat infestation either way we have a situation.

My name is Ratthew, but my friends call me Rat for short. We ain’t friends, Ratthew.

Ratatouille Memes
There is only one rat that is okay in my book, Remy! Yes, the rat from the Disney movie has a name. These Ratatouille rat memes give off way better vibes than some of these others.

This Remy Ratataouille meme from @uhhmmily: I’m telling my kids this was Gordon Ramsey.

In all seriousness, while the movie was cute and yes the play of rat and the meal ratatouille work – the thought of rats in the kitchen just hell to the n-o. Rats in the kitchen be like.

Rat Showering Meme
A few years ago, the rat in shower meme was trending because of this photo of a rat what appears to be cleansing himself.

Who knew rats were so hygienic! Well hold up, the showering rat meme is more than meets the eye. This rodent was found when Jose Correa from Peru walked into his bathroom and found the rat in the shower.

Well, leave it to smart folks to dig down the rabbit rat shower meme hole to discover two things. One, it’s a pacarana, a South American rodent and that the rat just wants to get the soap off, he isn’t really showering. Buzz kill, I know – but thanks for digging that dirty for us, Gizmodo.
Gym Rat Memes
Listen, I know you dedicated folk who go to the gym like to go by the term gym rat. I was told there would be rats in this gym.

This gym rat meme shows exactly what pops in my head whenever I hear someone called that. You know, just a rodent, pumping weights with a weight belt on at the local gym.

Pizza Rat Meme
While sites like this are a New York City every night occurrence – maybe we are thinking of these rodents wrong. Is this a rat or a hard working dad trying to feed his four teenage turtles. Shout out to anyone who loves Splinter!

Speaking of pizza rat memes, this one always takes the cake for me – even over Ratatouille!
Chuck E Cheese Rat Meme
One thing that has always made me shake my head in confusion is Chuck E Cheese Pizza and having a rat as a mascot. So come on down to mechanical rat pizza and kid casino.

I guess the marketing worked for a few decades. So many of us grew up going to the kid casino and listening to the mechanical puppets and eating pizza.
More Memes About Rats
The rat memes continue. Maybe these aren’t the prettiest, but they sure are funny. Me after getting out of a 5000 degree shower.

We have teamwork memes.

All the info you never wanted to know on how rats successfully work in teams.
Naked Mole Rat Meme
Save this rat meme for when you need it, especially if you are on dating apps. This naked mole rat meme is horrific and hilarious, use it wisely.

Rat Race Meme
The rat race is overrated. This is your sign to avoid it at all costs.

Dead Rat Meme
I saved you from actual photos of dead rats but will delight you with this dead rat meme instead.

Fat Rat Meme
Fat rat or maybe just have big bones?

Share the Rodent Memes
More rat memes and less rats please. If you have a friend who keeps these as a pet, or know someone who has surprise guests maybe living in their walls, attic or garage – share these memes about rats!

While rodents aren’t fun, these funny rat memes are!
Several years ago, after Digital Mom Blog got started, we published a post that has since gone viral. Never did I ever think that I’d write about How to Get Rid of Rats. Especially since one of my greatest fears is in fact these rodents.
Rat Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes