Start your day off with these christian affirmations for a good day (and good week!)

Well hello there. I know, a bad day or week is just the worse.

Good Day Christian Affirmations

Let’s pause the chaos and negativity and focus on some good with these 10 Christians Affirmations for a Good Day.

Christian Affirmations

Use these christian affirmations in your daily prayer or meditation this week. Focus on the bible verses, free your mind from negativity and have a wonderful day.

I am a child of God. John 1:12

I will give grace even when grace is not given to me. Ephesians 2:8-9

I live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 12:7

Whenever I am in need of help, I’ll turn to God in prayer. Psalm 18:6

I trust that God will guide me through today. John 10:3

God is my refuge. Psalm 62:8

I will use kind words with others. Proverbs 16:24

I will be a light in the darkness. Matthew 5:15-16

There is no fear because God strengthens me. Isaiah 41:10

God will meet all my needs. Philippians 4:19

You are a child of God John 1:12 christian affirmations

Another way to use these christian affirmations is in journaling.

Day 11 of Lent

This weekend we celebrated Izaiah’s 9th birthday – but first we had to deal with a leaky pipe. Oh the relationship we have with good ol’ pipes. Fortunately, while we do have a hole in a wall – we don’t have massive damage. We just had a pipe start leaking in our shower. Two years ago, this would have been a total massive deal – but when you have a toilet – pipe situation that ruins your mom, this ain’t no thang!

Last week ended on a sour note. I should have mentioned this on Saturday. The mass killing in New Zealand is tragic. My prayers are with Muslims across the world. I just don’t understand hatred.

Manchester Man Outside of Mosque – This is Love

Over the weekend, I saw this post and it brought tears to my eyes.

man holds sign you are my friends. i will watch while you pray - manchester man outside of mosque

You are my friends. I will keep watch while you pray.

We need to be like this. THIS is love. Read more about this in Huff Po UK

Go into this week with an open heart. Be aware of your surrounding and identify how you can show unexpected love. If you haven’t read Everybody Always by Bob Goff, read it!

Lent Day 11 – We talked a lot of heavy things last week, maybe they weren’t heavy for you but took a lot of brain power and finger typing to articulate my thoughts on an ideal church and finding your people, amongst other things. So today, let’s keep it light and positive.

See you tomorrow for Day 12 of our Lent Experiment.

Want to read more on Life, Faith and Lent -> Lent Experiment <- if you want to read all the things.

Be blessed, give grace and be kind.

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