Ah, Friday Eve! Also known as Thursday, it’s that glorious day where the weekend is almost within reach. Whether you’re already making weekend plans or just hanging on for dear life through one more workday, Friday Eve memes are here to help you laugh through the final stretch.

These memes perfectly capture the excitement, exhaustion, and anticipation of a well-deserved break. Let’s celebrate the nearly-there vibes with a good laugh – because Friday Eve is practically the weekend, right?
Funny Memes to Celebrate Friday Eve
Start your pre-weekend off with these funny Friday eve memes! It’s not quite time for Friday memes so let’s celebrate the end of the week early and in a clever way.

Pre Friday Meme
From this Thursday forward, rather than saying the “T” word, from now forward we shall call it Friday Eve. What a positive way to look at the week!

Who is with me? Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Eve, and Friday. No more Thursday, may you rest in peace. If you can’t get into the fun, fine whatever. We love one and all and give you Thursday memes. They are still funny but not as out of the box thinking, but you do you.

This is me hiding from the fact that its Thursday. And by Thursday, you totally know what I really mean.

Check out these Thursday work memes to help you get thru day 4 of the work week.

Meme caption: That feeling when you realize it only Friday eve and not actually Friday. Don’t be too sad, it’s only a day away.
Can someone wake me up when it’s actually Friday? Then I will get my weekend memes on.

Until then, I’ll be posting these sleep memes.
When the weekend is SOOOO close, this minion friday eve meme says it best. Happy Pre-Weekend! I like the positive optimistic attitude that is happening here.

If you adore these little yellow guys, then you will love these minion memes!
For those people who just aren’t understanding our movement here. We are saying that it’s not Thursday. That words is being banished from our dictionary and vocabulary.

From now on, like these you say Thursday I say Friday eve memes state – address the day correctly. Practice it with me. Who knows, maybe someday a Jeopardy question will be “What day was formerly called Thursday?” I’ll take memes for $500.

Celebrate the end to the work week early and send one of these to your coworkers to take their minds off the dread of work. We also have these funny work memes that will also do the trick!

Work on Friday eve sounds so much better than work on Thursday. Am I right or am I RIGHT?
Happy Friday Eve Memes and Image
Share one of these Happy Friday Eve memes to annoy the person who insists on calling today Thursday.

Say no to Thursday. Call it what it is!

Share the Funny Friday Eve Memes
Our Friday Eve images and memes are meant for sharing! Drop one of these via text or on social to a friend who needs to embrace the upcoming weekend. We just ask that you link back to Digital Mom Blog on social and/or link back to this post.

Thanks for sharing the love and Happy Friday Eve!