Getting 4 kids ready for Halloween was insane. Especially since Molly the planner put together the costumes the day before. But that’s how I roll and I think they turned out just peachy.

If you are looking for easy DIY kids Halloween costumes for 4 kids or just one, we got you. Here are a few easy ideas to throw together last minute for a fun Halloween outfit.

Easy DIY Kids Halloween Costumes

If you have kids that can voice an opinion – say 3 and up – you know how THEY want to choose what they want to be for Halloween. This is the first year, I officially caved in to the 2 older kids and let them choose their get-ups.

easy diy kids halloween costumes
easy diy kids halloween costumes

While every year can’t be a DIY year – and not every part of the Halloween Costumes is DIY, here is what our 4 kids wore for Halloween this year and how we made their costumes.

Nerdy Geek Costume

For Z’s nerd costume we went to the Salvation Army and found her some tacky boy’s suit pants, a girl scout shirt and a Tweetie bird homemade vest.

kids halloween costume nerd
kids halloween costume nerd

She wore striped socks and her 3-d glasses with the lenses punched out – and taped of course. I think overall she looks pretty nerdy to me!

Easy DIY Skeleton Costume

diy kids halloween costume skeleton
diy kids halloween costume skeleton

The skeleton costume, well – if you look closely you may see BABY GAP on E’s pant because he wore pajamas – and my 6 year old is super skinny. We threw on a mask, bought some skeleton gloves off of Amazon and spiked his hair and filled it with baby powder. The baby powder in his hair gave it a ghostly look.

Just a note, getting baby powder out of hair takes several rounds of shampoo. We washed his hair at least 4 times and today, he smelled so nice and sweet and was STILL powdery!

Thankfully the advantage to having babies is you get to choose their costumes!

DIY Lumberjack Costume for Toddlers

Husband says he looks like a swamp logger, but Izaiah was a lumberjack. Here is how to put together this DIY Lumberjack Costume for toddlers

lumberjack costume for toddlers diy
lumberjack costume for toddlers diy

I found Izaiah this rugged flannel at the Salvation army. He wore overalls, some boot shoes, a beanie and carried around an axe we found at the Dollar Tree. His beard made the outfit.

How to Make a Fake Beard without Make-up

We took hair gum (hair gel would work as well) and placed over where we wanted the beard and moustache. Next we took a tea bag, opened it up and used the tea on Izaiah’s face where we wanted the beard. This worked fabulous!

Dress as Steve Jobs

steve jobs baby
steve jobs baby costume

Our Baby Steve Jobs costume was a hit. So simple, but represented a man we admire.  We found a black mock turtle neck at a resale shop. We pulled Zeke’s jeans up near his waist.

The white tennis shoes (sorry, Mommy isn’t paying for New Balance tennis shoes just for a costume) were also a resale store find. The glasses were Harry Potter glasses from Amazon.

Trick or Treating

We had a great time trick or treating. The whole neighborhood seemed to be out with the majority of the lights on.

diy kids halloween costumes
diy kids halloween costumes

It was Izaiah’s first experience knocking on doors asking for candy. He was puzzled by it all. By the end of the night, he got the hang of it but was handing candy to our neighbors when they answered the door.

The highlight was finding when E found Easter candy in the mix. Brilliant! We have so been there, just made us laugh.

I hope that these DIY Kids Halloween costume ideas inspire you for any last minute ideas that you need. Don’t stress, just let the kids be little and have fun. If you need some LOLs, check out our Halloween memes.

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