If you want to start blogging or are looking for blogging resources – this is the post for you.

While when I first started mom blogs, and well blogs in general were rare. In 2010, there were 3.9 million mom blogs, while that seems like a lot – there are at least 10x that now. Everyone and their dog (literally) have a blog now but you know what – it’s never to late to start blogging!

Best Blogging Resources

Starting a Blog

A week doesn’t go by without someone contacting me asking about how to start blogging. There are so many details that go into making a blog successful, and really it all starts with how you define success.

I always tell people, the most important thing to do is just launch. After you launch, you can find your voice, style and rhythm. And it will change. Be open to pivot and you will be good.

When I first started, there was this community called Blogspot – which was a website that gave you a blog. I then moved on to a self-hosted blog on the Wordpress platform.

Wordpress has evolved drastically over the years and now there are a few more options, but at the end of the day – you want to own your website completely which is what Wordpress allows you to do.

Blogging Resources for Blogging and Small Business

Here is a list of companies I frequently refer to people who either want to get started blogging, need to create graphics, send emails or even make videos. These are what I use for my clients and for the personal websites that I run.

Website / Blog Hosting

You will need a web hosting company to host your blog.

how to host your blog

What is a Web Host

A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technology and services needed for your blog to be viewed on the internet.

Dreamhost – save 50% off when you use our link! I have several sites hosted here and Wordpress setup is SUPER easy. (I refer anyone with over 60k views a month to Big Scoots.)

With Dreamhost, registering a domain name and installing Wordpress is super easy and very affordable. As someone who has tried may different web hosting companies for wordpress installs – I can tell you, the service and support is far superior with Dreamhost than the blue hosting company often pushed by bloggers.

Wordpress Template

Once you get your website, you will need a Wordpress template. This is the framework that sits on top of Wordpress. I personally use Generate Press.

Generate Press – by far the best light-weight SEO friendly Wordpress theme that I have used!

Email Sends

Are you ready to email your people? Email marketing can be a complex beast. In my professional, pre-blog career – email marketing was a core part of my job. It is effective, but can get expensive quickly. I moved from Mailchimp over to BirdSend and am super happy with all that this email marketing platform has to offer.

how to email  email marketing made easy blogging resource

BirdSend – get an additional 500 bonus contacts to store in your account when you use my link.


Do you create social graphics or need a program to create graphics for your blog? I highly recommend Canva Pro. Earlier this year, I was helping our school district with social media and was so happy to see how easily Canva is embraced. Regardless of your experience creating graphics, Canva is an easy-to-use platform for creating all of your graphic needs.

how to create graphics

Canva Pro – I’ve used Canva Pro for years. In a previous life, I did graphic design. After finding Canva – I ditched Photoshop and use Canva for creating social graphics, blog images and more.


If you are a blogger, you know that video is HOT. I have a friend who was needing a video editor and sent over We Video, the site I use to create videos. She was amazed at the options and ease.

Create Videos Online  Blogging Resources for bloggers and small business

No longer do you need a video editor for simple videos. We Video offers an affordable option for creating professional looking videos.

We Video – Create videos with an easy drag-and-drop browser video editor. No download needed!

I’ll dive into each of these, as well as creating a blog soon – but hoping that this list of blog resources offers you a start to legit blogging resources to help you in your blogging journey.

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