Free Star Wars printable in celebration of my kids silly holiday, May the 4th – Star Wars Day! That’s right, get out your light sabers, costumes or Star Wars t-shirts and tell people May the 4th Be With You. Dorky? Yes. Welcome to my world. On to the printable.

In the spirit of all of the fun Keep Calm posters, this download is of our beloved Star Wars father, Darth Vadar…. Keep Calm and Use the Force

Free Star Wars Printable

This fun May the 4th Star Wars printable is perfect for framing.

star wars printable

Keep Calm and Use the Force

Print this out (I’ve had great luck with printables getting them printed at a photo lab and then framing.). This will make perfect decor for your little one’s Star Wars themed room! This printable is 8.5 x 11.

Star Wars Day – May 4th

In honor of Star Wars day, check out these other Star Wars posts:

Star Wars Characters – Then and Now

The first Star Wars movie was released in 1977.

Luke Skywalker, Mark Hammill

luke skywalker mark hamill

Princess Leia – Carrie Fisher

princess leia

Uhm, hello Carrie Fisher – she is looking amazing. Rumor has it that she will be in the upcoming film and she is working hard to get back into the Princess Leia attire.

C3-P0 – Anthony Daniels


May the 4th Star Wars Costumes

Our go to place for costumes is always Amazon, they rarely let me down (okay the Amazon add-on thing bugs me, but that doesn’t apply to these Star Wars costumes).

Here are 2 we bought for our 2 oldest last year.  Maybe the whole family will get dressed up this year, yes we are geeks.

May the Fourth be with you - star wars day

If you have a baby, how could you resist with these baby Star Wars costumes!

Baby Princess Leia Costume – how adorable for photos, or the mall – I don’t judge. Okay, so you have a boy and you aren’t into princessing him out.

baby yoda costume

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