Meme Generator > Tutorial

Here is your easy how-to tutorial to show you everything you need to know about using the Digital Mom Blog Meme Generator. Reference back to this easy-to-use tutorial anytime you need help making a meme.

meme generator tutorial showing how to make meme

Choosing a Meme Template

We have several meme makers featuring a variety of different meme templates (and continually adding new templates to our collection!) To get started you will need to visit our main meme generator.

Next, let’s choose which meme template you want to use. Templates can be chosen two different ways. Below the main carousel or by selecting a topic from the topic list below the meme generator.

Customizing Your Meme

After deciding on the best template for your meme, let’s customize your image with text. Decide on a witty meme caption and let’s start creating.

meme generator tutorial guide with illustration and chart on how to use

Initially, there are 2 texts box for creating and captioning your meme. You can delete one of the text boxes by clicking the X in the upper right corner.

An additional text box can be added to your meme template by selecting the third option from the left in the upper meme generator toolbar. (The toolbox icon looks like a letter A with a box around it.)

From the toolbar, you can choose which font you want to use, the color of the font, stroke width and color as well as text positioning.

How to Save Your Meme

After you have completed your meme, it’s time to save it. Click the SAVE button below the meme image (above the carousel of meme template options.)

This will take you to a page with your saved meme! While we don’t store any personal information, we may save your meme for future using in our funny memes collection. Each week we will be spotlighting our favorite memes on the Digital Mom Blog Facebook page.

You are free to share your meme wherever. All that we ask is that when you share it, make sure you tag us on social media and link back to our meme generator so more people can find help creating memes!

Additional Meme Maker Tutorial Questions

Extending this meme generator tutorial to answer more of your questions!

Is Creating Memes Free?

Yes! Digital Mom Blog is supported by our community through ads and sponsorships. Thank you for your on-going support allowing us to bring you more memes and tools for creating funny!

Can I Post My Meme Online?

Yes! The memes that you make on Digital Mom Blog are free for you to use online. We just ask that you help us in spreading the word about our free meme maker.

We hope this tutorial answers all of your meme making questions! If not, drop us a note in our contact us so we can help.