So you may have heard about this little app called Vine and are thinking WHY all the buzz? Vine is a creation from those people who made Twitter.While it launched on January 24, 2013 – less than a week live and this app is already a favorite by mini.

vine app

2020 Update – sadly the Vine app is dead. RIP. 

What is Vine App

Vine is a mobile app that displays short video clips (6 seconds in length). The videos are user created via the app and resemble animated gifs.  The video is actually an MP4 format. You can follow people and their videos will show in your stream (similar to Twitter). You can explore of follow various hash tags to view certain niches.

Here is a sample video of what a Vine Video looks like:

Your daily Mister vine. #labradoodle #puppy #pets

— Digital Mom (@digitalmomblog) January 29, 2013

How to Use Vine App

Download the Vine app – currently available for iOS (iPhone and iPod Touch) – it’s free. Follow the step by step instructions to easily make your 6 second video.

You can create a continuous clip by holding the screen for the complete 6 seconds or by stopping and starting the clip (by touching and releasing the screen) to create a stop motion like video.

Click next, type a description of your video and SHAZAM you are Vinging!

Vine for Android

Vine for Android is currently in development (as well as several other platforms as I can only imagine).  Currently this app is only available for iOS (iphone and iPod Touch).

Vine Lingo

Let’s create some words for this new way of communicating. Possibly Silly or HasTooMuchTime would be great – but really — Vining – like Tweeting.  Tweeter = Viner – I don’t know but we shall see. I’ve seen a blast of people starting to jump on this trend.

While it is really silly and some people have well way too much time, it’s an interesting way to lose track of time. The OCD in me has me watching video after video. Even though it’s kind of dumb, it’s still my new favorite app – because at one time I thought Twitter was kind of dumb.

Follow Me On Vine

Follow me on Vine – DigitalMom

Random ETC. ETC. ETC.

There is currently no front camera option on Vine so oddly, if you want to video yourself it’s super awkward – like old school style! Hopefully they will change that, because good Lord teens are all about selfies and soon it will be video selfies.

Vine currently has 9662 followers on Twitter – 1/28/13 @vineapp – interested to see how fast that grows.

What Do You Think of the Vine App?

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