It’s November 28th.
Today, 11/28 is the 332nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are only 33 days remain until the end of the year.
November 28 Meme
How’s that Christmas shopping going? Is the tree up? What’s the holiday mood for today?

If you did Thanksgiving right, you either cooked extra or brought home Thanksgiving leftovers. Here are some of our favorite Thanksgiving Leftover recipes of things to make with that extra food from Turkey day.
27 Days Until Christmas!
There are only 27 days until Christmas. Countdown until Santa comes is on.

More Christmas Humor
Hopefully you were able to enjoy some extra days off this past week. Don’t miss these funny long weekend memes about the joys of returning after taking time off of work.
November 28 Holidays and Observances
Here are significant holidays and events for today, November 28.
- Cyber Monday
- National Brand Day
- National French Toast Day – did you know you are suppose to toast the bread for french toast?
It’s Cyber week, while today is Cyber Monday – there will be sales from now until Christmas. Tomorrow is Travel Tuesday, hoping to score travel deals!
November 28 Birthday Meme
For our friends with November 28 birthday’s see our it’s my birthday memes.

Wish a friend who has a bday today a great day with our Happy Birthday Memes!
More Memes for November
Don’t miss all of our November memes.
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November 28 Meme of the Day is part of the Digital Mom Blog collection of Funny Memes